6/4/2024 11:17:24 AM
The Japanese katana sword, known for its deadly beauty and historical significance, has become a revered symbol in pop culture. From samurai films to video games and fashion trends, the katana embodies strength, honor, and martial prowess, captivating audiences worldwide with its iconic silhouette and timeless allure.
Read more6/3/2024 3:41:19 PM
The ZenPlus team has been working hard on this for so long and we can finally announce the ZenPlus Luxe Weekly Newsletter. Sign up now to receive everything you need to know before buying pre-loved goods, the newest trends, exclusive deals, and more!
Read more5/31/2024 9:26:19 AM
Even though Chanel is one of the most desirable brands nowadays, some of their bags can be controversial even among their fans. Are those opinions wrong or are they just honest reviews?
Read more5/27/2024 6:53:16 PM
Obsessive high-school romance might not sound like the most original theme. But written by Megumi Morino, A Condition Called Love, begs to differ. Cristy lays out the details.
Read more5/27/2024 10:50:52 AM
The Japanese slipper culture is truly something to admire and this practice could very well be Japan's best-kept secret to keeping their homes dust-free. Discover how this practice can make a big difference and how to adapt it to your life.
Read more5/23/2024 7:11:52 AM
Learn the origins of Japanese incense sticks and holders, their cultural significance, the different types available, how to choose the perfect ones for your settings, as well as where to find authentic ones made by experienced Japanese artisans.
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