ZenPlus Luxe Weekly Newsletter

Created 6/3/2024 3:41:19 PM in

The ZenPlus team has been working hard on this for so long and we can finally announce the ZenPlus Luxe Weekly Newsletter. Sign up now to receive everything you need to know before buying pre-loved goods, the newest trends, exclusive deals, and more!

Female wearing a hat, sitting at a cafe reading the newspaper

We proudly announce the start of ZenPlus Luxe Weekly Newsletter for all the luxury lovers out there. At ZenPlus, we strive to provide meaningful information that enhances your experience with us. Whether it's the latest product releases, helpful tips, or upcoming events, we are aiming to keep our community informed and engaged.

All you have to do is click the form link, add your email address and press the Sign Up button, that’s it. Very simple and it takes less than 30 seconds. 


What can you expect from this newsletter?

  • How to buy pre-loved luxury with confidence and what to look for when you’re buying online

Online shopping can still be something people are not entirely comfortable with and when it comes to pre-loved luxury goods, buying from a trusted platform is extremely important. Another point is checking all the flaws and common usage signs you might not notice if you don’t know where to look, we’ll be giving you those tips as well.


  • How to take care of your bags and items to avoid if you’re looking for a low-maintenance piece

Luxury items were made to last, but some materials are very delicate or need extra care to stay in their best condition. What is the best one for you? We also got you covered on this!


  • News about the fashion industry and brand’s new releases

Missed the newest Louis Vuitton it-bag release? Do you want to know more about the changes Gucci is making after changing their head designer? ZenPlus is also here to make sure you know the biggest changes in the fashion world.


  • Exclusive promotions on ZenPlus Luxe, such as coupons and recommended items and stores

We always want to offer the best for our customers and being able to communicate efficiently is a must. This email is also here to send you coupons, announce new campaigns and recommend items/stores to check for even better deals.



How do I know if the content is worthy?

All the content will be carefully curated by an experienced writer who graduated in fashion with experience in the second-hand market for luxury goods as a seller and buyer, plus a passion for the industry. She’s always updating herself about the latest trends, luxury brand new releases and everything worth knowing about. Our community's opinion is also very important and everyone can recommend themes or ask specific questions.

Join the newsletter now to be part of the ZenPlus Luxe Community!

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