
Top 10 Funny T-shirts on ZenPlus

Created 5/19/2023 3:55:34 PM in zenplus | t-shirts | top list |

Digging deep in the ZenPlus shop, we came across a whole range of funny Japanese t-shirts!



Funny T-shirts

T-Shirts. Who doesn’t want or need more t-shirts?

I was actually looking for something completely different on the ZenPlus store, a takoyaki iron I think it was, when this gem of clothing popped up in my search like it was sent from heaven.


Takoyaki t-shirt

Get your takoyaki t-shirt on ZenPlus


This to me is very much Osaka. Of course, takoyaki is famous for being a classic Osaka street food dish, but also to make a t-shirt like this… Yep, this is OSAKA!

After I stopped laughing, I just had to look if there were more weird or funny t-shirts on the ZenPlus store. To my happy delight, there seems to be an abundance of them.

Time to share! Some of these t-shirts might seem dark themed or even negative some, but believe me when I say they reflect Osaka humor like a shining mirror!  

Top 10  funny Japanese t-shirts on ZenPlus!
(Saving anime t-shirts list for later…)



10. やる気がない
(Yaruki ga nai)
I have no motivation

T-shirt saying I have no motivation

Buy "I have no motivation" t-shirt on ZenPlus


For those days when you just want to vege out.

There are a few ways to translate this… “I don’t feel like doing it”, “I don’t have the motivation”, or like Google Translate says, “There’s no motivation”. 

Whichever you prefer, I’d laugh at it if I someone was wearing it and more importantly, I know just who to buy it for!




9. ちょいでぶおやじ
(Choi debu oyaji)
Somewhat fat old man

Somewhat fat old man t-shirt on ZenPlus

Get the "Somewhat fat old man" t-shirt on ZenPlus


Depending on what country you live in, Father’s Day might be coming up in June. Some countries have it in the fall, but in the U.S. it’s June 18 this year. It would probably be wise to choose the recipient wisely for this one🙂. Dad, if you're reading, Happy Father's Day! You know what's coming.




8. 自宅警備員
(jitaku keibi in)
Home Security Guard

Home Security Guard t-shirt on ZenPlusBuy "Home Security Guard" t-shirt on ZenPlus


Some say “jitaku keibi in” - literally meaning home security guard - isn’t a good thing to say about people. It can be used to label people who stay at home 24/7 and might not be comfortable going outside for any reason. The Japanese call it “hikikomori” or social withdrawal.

But who doesn't like to stay at home sometimes? I guess someone does and decided to make themselves a t-shirt out of it. Great idea! The lower part says “24 hour stand-by at home. All you can watch internet and TV.”




7. 泣きたい
I want to cry

I want to cry T-shirt on Zen Plus

Buy "I want to cry" t-shirt on ZenPlus.

Honestly, this t-shirt makes me not want to cry but kind of silently smile inside. It would be so fun to walk around in this one and be the only one knowing what it says🙂 

It would also be great addition to the neighbor's toddlers, just to make everyone aware of what's coming up!




6. うごきたくない
I don’t want to move

"I don't want to move" t-shirt on ZenPlus

Buy "I don't want to move" t-shirt on ZenPlus.


I could make a set of the last one and this for the neighbor's kids!

Feeling lazy? Here’s one so you won’t even need to say it! “Ugokitakunai” simply means that you don’t want to move your body or just don’t want to anything. Of course, you might have to explain what it says, so there’s that 😣




5. ちょっと失礼します
(Chotto shitsureishimasu)
Excuse me, a little.

"Excuse me, a little" t-shirt on ZenPlus

Buy "Excuse me, a little" t-shirt on ZenPlus.

For those times when you need to excuse yourself or maybe simply interrupt someone. Perfect for your trip to Japan when you need to make your way to the train that's just about to depart. Functional on your Japan travels, decorative and memorable when home. I'm getting it!




4. ファスナー

"Zipper" t-shirt on ZenPlusGet your "Zipper" t-shirt on ZenPlus.


Honestly, I have no good explanation  why this grabs my attention so much - but it does! This one may not seem very Japanese in particular, but I have feeling it sums up how some Japanese might feel about for example work. Life in a simple t-shirt print and I want one!




3. 日本のお茶
(Nihon no ocha)
Japanese tea

"Japanese Tea" t-shirt on ZenPlus.Buy "Japanese Tea" t-shirt on ZenPlus.

Of course Japanese t-shirts are more than funny lines. Some of my favorites are about the things that make Japan special to me:  food and drinks! 

The health benefits of Japanese green tea are legendary. I should probably drink more of it to achieve its full potential, but even having a sip now and then surely must be better than nothing. At least that is what I tell myself! Featured on this t-shirt are, from top left:

Sencha / Matcha / Houjicha
Genmaicha / Bancha / Gyokuro

Looking for actual Japanese tea? Check it out on ZenPlus here.




2. Sushi

Sushi t-shirt on ZenPlus

Buy Sushi t-shirt on ZenPlus.

Well, you would need to figure out your favorites like tuna, salmon or tamago(egg), but once that small hurdle is overcome, you’ve got yourself a functional sushi t-shirt! Bring this to any sushi counter shop and ordering will be as easy as pointing at your t-shirt.

Honestly, I would probably not recommend doing that other than for a good laugh, but I still want this t-shirt! Just wearing it will be more than enough.




1. 日本のおむすび
(Nihon no omusubi)
Japanese rice balls

"Japanese riceballs" t-shirt on ZenPlus.

Buy "Japanese riceballs" t-shirt on ZenPlus.


Rice balls! Or onigiri as most people call it here. It doesn’t get much more Japanese than this. From toddlers to elders - everyone eats them. Breakfast, lunch, afternoon snacks, even dinner… Of course not everyday, but this versatile piece of food strikes me as the all mighty item on the Japanese food map. Good for anyone, anytime, anywhere. Easy to make and tastes like a piece of heaven.

This is my ultimate choice of Japanese t-shirt that I found on ZenPlus!

Featured riceballs are from top left: tenmusu, ume, shake, kombu, mentaiko and nitamago. All-star line up if you ask me!



My special mentions go to the takoyaki t-shirt at the start of this post and since we’ve got a lot of cat lovers here in the office:

Honorable mention...



"Doranyaki" t-shirt on ZenPlus.

Buy your own "Doranyaki" t-shirt on ZenPlus.

Dorayaki - the Japanese red bean pancake. And the cat version: Doranyaki!

When cats in the U.S. say meow-meow, the Japanese cats say nyau-nyau!

By pure chance, I found there was literally hundreds, if not thousands, of different t-shirts on ZenPlus. Funny, interesting, beautiful… pretty much anything!

Time for you to find a few yourself! Get t-shirts on ZenPlus! 

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