
"Meiji" Meiji Easy Cube 27Gx20 bags

"Meiji" Meiji Easy Cube 27Gx20 bags

  • $21.78 USD
Seller: kusurinodaifukudo
Barcode: 4902705095878
Manufacturer: 明治
Model: 4902705095878
Your order will be shipped when ZenPlus receives all items from shops. Once shipped from Japan, estimated delivery time is 2-4 weeks for standard shipping and 3-4 days for express (DHL, UPS, FEDEX) shipping.
We ensure that your personal and payment information is kept secure by following PCI-DSS standards and using 256-bit encryption for all transactions.
- We will provide a full refund if the item you purchased is not genuine.
- We cover shipping insurance to protect your items during transportation.

「使用方法」【召し上がり方】1.器具を消毒する。器具は洗って消毒します。煮沸消毒は器具がかくれる程度水を入れ、沸騰してから5~10分間煮沸します。(乳首は3分間)2.哺乳ビンにらくらくキューブを入れる。袋の開封口を切り取り、袋の側面を上下に軽くなでます。イラスト面に指を添えて持ち、消毒後乾いた容器に必要量のキューブを入れます。哺乳ビンに入れる前に、袋の側面を上下に軽くなで、袋の中に空気を入れるようにすると、キューブが出やすくなります。3.お湯を入れ、らくらくキューブを溶かす。煮沸後冷ましたお湯(70℃以上)を、できあがり量の2/3ほど入れ、ミルクが飛び出さないよう、乳首とカバーを付け、円を描くようによく振って溶かします。キューブにお湯を浸透させ、崩れ始めてから哺乳ビンを振ると溶けやすくなります。さらにできあがり量まで煮沸後のお湯、または煮沸後の湯冷ましを足します。 熱いお湯を使うので、赤ちゃんのそばで調乳しないようにしてください。4.水でさます。乳首を付けて軽く振り、水に浸すなどして40℃くらいまでさましてください。必ず体温くらいまでさめている事を確認してから飲ませてあげてください。5.温度を確かめる。腕の内側に少量ミルクをたらします。温かく感じる40℃くらいが最適です。6.ミルクを飲ませる。ミルクの出ぐあいを見ながらキャップをゆるめて、乳首を十分に含ませます。乳首の中が、いつもミルクで満たされた状態で飲ませてあげます。飲み終わったら、赤ちゃんのあごが肩にくる位まで抱き上げ、背中を下から上にさするか、軽くたたいてゲップをさせ空気をはかせます。「成分」【成分・原材料】乳糖(アメリカ製造)、調整食用油脂(豚脂分別油、大豆白絞油、パーム核油、精製魚油、アラキドン酸含有油脂)、乳清たんぱく質、カルシウムカゼイネート、フラクトオリゴ糖、バターミルク、デキストリン、脱脂粉乳、食塩、酵母/リン酸Ca、塩化Mg、炭酸Ca、塩化K、炭酸K、V.C、イノシトール、コレステロール、タウリン、ピロリン酸鉄、塩化Ca、硫酸亜鉛、シチジル酸Na、V.E、パントテン酸Ca、ウリジル酸Na、L-カルニチン、ナイアシン、イノシン酸Na、グアニル酸Na、5'-AMP、硫酸銅、V.B1、V.A、V.B6、V.B2、カロテン、葉酸、ビオチン、V.K、V.D、V.B12「使用上の注意」【使用上の注意・保管及び取り扱い上の注意】乾燥した涼しい場所に保管してください。「問い合わせ先」株式会社明治「TEL」0120-358-3699:00~17:00(土日祝日、年末年始除く)「製造販売元」株式会社明治「住所」〒104-8306 東京都中央区京橋二丁目2番1号「原産国」日本「商品区分」健康食品(特別用途食品)

Product # 4902705095878

What is ZenPlus?
ZenPlus is an online shopping platform connecting Japan with the rest of the world. We're part of the ZenGroup, Inc. umbrella in Osaka, Japan.

Are items authentic?
Our sellers' agreement fully compels all stores to list only authentic items. We help you buy exclusive and authentic items from Japan, online!

Do you ship to my country?
We ship to all countries where Japan Post air freight services and international couriers currently operate. We don't use surface mail.

How long does shipping take?
Domestic shipments generally reach our warehouse in a few days, but may in certain specific cases take a week or more. International shipments can take anywhere from several days to several weeks to reach you after leaving our warehouse, depending on if you choose Standard or Express shipping.
Please contact our support team from the Questions section on your account page if you have any questions about the timing of your parcel.

How much is shipping?
Shipping costs depend on the size, weight, and destination of your parcel. We provide shipping costs for your order at checkout.

Will I be charged a customs (import) fee?
It depends on your country and its customs regulations. Our service does not cover duties and import taxes — in general, if the customs office in your country applies charges to your package, you are required to pay them.


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We work directly with Japanese shops registered with ZenPlus, so all internal processes are faster and more efficient - the result is a swift and affordable service, ready for you when you need it most. You have instant access to over 1,000 stores in Japan with just one click! Shop just as if you were in Japan, without spending a fortune. We'll get you the best deal possible from a vast collection of items from Japan. Join the ranks of people who prefer ZenPlus as their Japanese online marketplace.


We protect you, the buyer. Communication can be one of the biggest barriers when buying from Japan online, but it doesn't have to be that way. With ZenPlus, you are protected from many of the risks of international e-commerce: We'll take care of any questions, claims, and requests for the seller that you might have. We can provide a full refund if an item is not genuine, and a partial refund if it's not as promised. Feel free to ask us for more info about any of the items or shops on ZenPlus!