10000粒 [獨立包裝] 正宗日本製造 八女抹茶粉 飲料烘焙拿鐵 方便單份包裝 [Koisuru抹茶] [Koisuru抹茶] 獨立包裝抹茶 無添加劑 無糖 無鹽 無香 100%抹茶

10000粒 [獨立包裝] 正宗日本製造 八女抹茶粉 飲料烘焙拿鐵 方便單份包裝 [Koisuru抹茶] [Koisuru抹茶] 獨立包裝抹茶 無添加劑 無糖 無鹽 無香 100%抹茶

  • $3,187.01 USD
  • $7,026.04 USD
商店: worldpeace
品牌: Mukoh Matcha
製造商: Mukoh Matcha
型號: 10000pcs-koisuru-matcha
產地: Japan
ZenPlus 正品保證,30天退貨及30天退款保證。詳情請點這裡
特快 (DHL、UPS、FEDEX)為送貨方式,將需約7天送貨。 我們提供運輸保險保障您的商品。

Experience the Authentic Yame Matcha Powder from Japan. These convenient single-serve packets are perfect for drinks, baking, and lattes. Made from 100% Yame tea, each packet is individually packaged for easy and mess-free use. Enjoy the pure taste of this Yame matcha without any added sugar, salt, or artificial flavors. Elevate your matcha experience with [Koisuru matcha (Matcha in Love)].
✅「恋する抹茶(赤)- 100% 八女抹茶」は、2gの個包装スティックタイプで、持ち運びやお出かけの際にとっても便利な抹茶です。 "Matcha in Love (Red) - 100% Yame Matcha" is a 2g stick type in individual packaging, making it a convenient matcha for carrying or going out.
✅「恋する抹茶(赤)- 100% 八女抹茶」は、一番茶入り二番茶を使用しております。抹茶は、100%希少な「八女茶」からできています。無糖ですので、砂糖を加えてお菓子やラテなどにお使いください。
”Matcha in Love (Red) - 100% Yame Matcha" uses First & Second harvested leaves. Matcha is made from 100% rare "Yame tea". It is sugar-free, so please add sugar and use it for sweets and lattes.
✅ 抹茶は日本の茶道で長年の文化的な地位があり、静寂とリラクゼーションの象徴とされています。抹茶を飲む習慣を日常に取り入れることで、落ち着きと安らぎを感じることができます。
Matcha has a long-standing cultural position in Japanese tea ceremonies and is considered a symbol of tranquility and relaxation. Incorporating the habit of drinking matcha into your daily routine can help you feel calm and at peace.
[Yamecha / Yame tea] Yame Tea is a brand of tea produced in Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan. It is a rare and highly esteemed brand, accounting for only about 3% of the total Japanese tea production. 
Matcha is a high-quality Japanese green tea powder made by finely grinding tea leaves that have been shaded for several weeks before harvest. It has a rich and creamy flavor and is often used in tea ceremonies. Not only is it delicious, but it also allows you to consume all the nutrients of green tea without leaving any behind.
✅100% 福岡の八女茶
[Authentic, Rare, High-Quality, Valuable 100% Yame Matcha Green Tea Powder] made from Yame green tea Leaves. Yame tea is known for its high quality and is often considered one of the top green teas in Japan.
Matcha Grade Matcha is available in different grades, such as Ceremonial, Premium, and Culinary which are determined by the quality of the tea leaves used, the location and method of cultivation, and the processing methods. 
✅ 抹茶の独特な風味:抹茶は、他の種類のお茶とは異なる、独特な風味を持っています。温かい飲み物や冷たい飲み物として楽しむことができる他、料理やスイーツにもよく使用されます。
Unique Flavor: Matcha has a distinctive flavor that sets it apart from other types of tea. It can be enjoyed as a hot or cold beverage and is often used in cooking and sweets as well.
✅ 緑茶の成分「エピガロカテキンガレート(EGCg)」は、摂氏80度を超える高温で抽出されやすく、旨み成分の「アミノ酸」は低温で抽出されやすくなります。「カフェイン」は、低温でお茶を淹れることで抽出を減らすことができます。
The green tea component "epigallocatechin gallate (EGCg)" is easily extracted at high temperatures above 80 degrees Celsius, while the umami component "amino acids" is easily extracted at low temperatures. "Caffeine" can be reduced by brewing tea at low temperatures.
✅保存方法 高温多湿を避け、できれば冷蔵庫に保管し、移り香にご注意ください。
Storage method Avoid high temperature and humidity, and if possible, store in the refrigerator, and be careful not to transfer the fragrance.
“Mukoh Matcha" prides itself on delivering high-quality green tea and matcha sourced exclusively from Fukuoka, Japan’s lush, water-rich Yame region, where tea production has been passed down through generations of expert farmers over the past 600 years. 
[Authentic, Rare, High-Quality, Valuable 100% Yame Matcha Green Tea Powder] made from Yame green tea Leaves. Yame tea is known for its high quality and is often considered one of the top green teas in Japan.
Health Benefits: Matcha is known for its high concentration of antioxidants, which help protect against cell damage and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. It also contains caffeine, which can boost energy and mental focus. Additionally, Matcha is said to aid in weight loss, improve digestion, and boost the immune system.
Unique Flavor: Matcha has a distinctive, earthy flavor that sets it apart from other types of tea. It can be enjoyed as a hot or cold beverage and is often used in baking and cooking as well.
Ritualistic Tradition: Matcha has a long-standing cultural significance in Japanese tea ceremonies and is often associated with a sense of tranquility and relaxation. Incorporating Matcha into one's daily routine can be seen as a mindful and grounding practice.
Versatility: Matcha can be consumed in various forms, including as a tea, latte, smoothie, or even as an ingredient in desserts and savory dishes. This versatility allows for a wide range of options for incorporating Matcha into one's diet.
Sustainability: Matcha is often produced using traditional farming methods that prioritize sustainability and environmental stewardship. This can appeal to consumers who are conscious of their impact on the environment and seek out products that align with their values.
Indulge in the rich and centuries-old tradition of Yamecha with our premium Yame Matcha green tea powder. Made from the finest, rare, and valuable Yame green tea, our matcha boasts a smooth, earthy flavor and is packed with antioxidants and other health-boosting nutrients. 
[八女茶(やめちゃ)]は、福岡県の八女地域で栽培・生産されている高品質の日本緑茶の一種です。八女茶は、高品質で高価格な緑茶として人気のある緑茶の1つで、近年は、世界中のお茶愛好家にも楽しまれています。[八女抹茶]向抹茶の八女抹茶は、使用される茶葉の品質、栽培方法、加工方法によってさまざまなグレードに分けられています。[向抹茶のグレード] セレモニアルグレード: 年の最初の(春)新茶を収穫し、最も若く、最も柔らかい茶葉から作られた最高品質の抹茶です。セレモニアルグレードの抹茶は、石臼で茶葉を挽いているため、熱が加えられず、粒子が細やかで、色が鮮やかなのが特徴です。甘くて繊細な風味があり、水やお湯に溶いて、簡単な軽食と一緒にお楽しみください。/プレミアムグレード: プレミアムグレード抹茶も、セレモニアルグレードと同じく、年の最初の(春)新茶茶葉を収穫、若い茶葉から作られていますが、石臼挽きではなく、機械挽き、となります。プレミアムグレードの抹茶も鮮やかな緑色で、水やお湯に溶いて、または、お料理やスイーツに使って楽しんでください。/製菓グレード: 製菓用は、(夏)の茶葉を収穫したもので、プレミアムグレードよりも少し黄色味がかっており、少し苦味があります。低品質の抹茶ですが、向抹茶の製菓グレードの抹茶は、最低品質ではありません。料理、ベーキング、スムージーでの使用に適しています。
Yamechα also known as Yame tea is a high-quality Japanese green tea grown and produced in the Yame region of Fukuoka Prefecture. It is one of the popular green teas known for its high quality and high price, and in recent years it has been enjoyed by tea lovers all over the world. Yame matcha is a type of matcha that is divided into various grades depending on the quality of the tea leaves used, cultivation methods, and processing methods. 
Ceremonial grade: Made from the youngest and softest tea leaves harvested from the first (spring) new tea of the year, this is the highest quality matcha. Ceremonial grade matcha is ground with a stone mill, so no heat is added, the particles are fine and the color is vivid. It has a sweet and delicate flavor and can be mixed with water or hot water. Premium grade: Premium grade matcha is also made from young tea leaves harvested from the first (spring) new tea of the year, but it is machine-ground instead of stone-ground. Premium grade matcha is also vivid green in color and can be enjoyed dissolved in water or hot water or used in cooking or sweets. 
Culinary grade: Culinary grade matcha is harvested from (summer) tea leaves and has a slightly yellowish color and a slightly bitter taste compared to premium grade. It is lower quality matcha, but Mukoh Matcha confectionery grade matcha is not the lowest quality. It is suitable for use in cooking, baking, and smoothies.

重量 2000 g











