
11 Reasons Why Sakata Gintoki is the Boyfriend We Didn't Know We Needed

Created 10/11/2024 4:37:39 PM in anime | analysis |

Why is Sakata Gintoki from Gintama constantly topping "best boyfriend" polls? This lazy but lovable samurai is known for having the perfect balance of all the right boyfriend qualities. Find out 11 reasons why fans can't get enough of him—and why he might just be your next anime crush!




Once again, the loveable, deadbeat samurai Sakata Gintoki of the beloved series Gintama has topped a "best boyfriend" poll, this time in the latest Spacomic survey voted by Japanese fans. This isn’t the first time he’s claimed this title—back in 2019, he also made waves when he was named one of the top ideal boyfriends in Honto's survey, and he’s always been a mainstay in character polls. 

Gintoki has beaten characters who are actual boyfriends in canon such as Yamada Akito, Izumi Miyamura and Kazehaya Shota.

This tweet symbolizes what fangirls think about Gintoki. And honestly? Same. 

While the silver-haired samurai might seem like an unconventional choice for an ideal boyfriend, the reasons behind his overwhelming popularity are surprisingly relatable. Gintoki has long held a special place in fans' hearts, thanks to his complex personality, hilarious antics, and hidden depths.

So, what is it about Sakata Gintoki that makes him the ultimate boyfriend material, even when he’s constantly lounging around, reading manga, and stuffing his face with sweets? Let’s dive into what makes Gintoki the kind of guy you’d want by your side (even if his lazy lifestyle suggests otherwise).



1. He’s Hilariously Relatable

Gintoki has a topnotch sense of humor and is an expert at trolling people.

One of the most endearing qualities of Sakata Gintoki is his sense of humor. He’s a man who can make you laugh in the direst situations, from outsmarting aliens to getting caught up in absurd, self-inflicted mishaps. His dry wit and deadpan delivery make every interaction with him a joy to watch. For anyone looking for a partner who keeps things light-hearted and fun, Gintoki is the perfect guy.

More than just cracking jokes, Gintoki’s sense of humor is a coping mechanism for life’s harsh realities. He doesn’t take himself too seriously, and this carefree attitude is something most people can admire (and relate to). After all, who doesn’t love someone who can make them laugh even when everything’s going wrong?



2. He Has a Hidden Soft Side

Despite being their employer, Gintoki has become a brother / father-like figure to both Shinpachi and Kagura.

Beneath the messy hair, laziness, and penchant for drinking strawberry milk, Gintoki has a heart of gold. He’s fiercely loyal to his friends and willing to risk his life for them when push comes to shove. This deep sense of loyalty is one of his defining traits and a huge reason why fans voted him as the ideal boyfriend.

Gintoki may appear detached, but he’s incredibly empathetic when it counts. He listens when someone needs to talk and doesn’t shy away from offering comfort in his own unique way—whether that’s through action or sarcasm. That hidden tenderness is what makes him so special. Sure, he might not always say the right thing, but Gintoki will always be there when it matters.



3. He’s Reliable and Keeps His Promises

Gintoki was devastated when he saw Otose unconscious and on the brink of death.

Despite his laid-back, slacker persona, Gintoki is a man who takes his promises seriously, often going to extraordinary lengths to keep his word. One of the most heartfelt examples is his promise to Otose, the landlady who took him in and gave him a home. Gintoki vowed to protect her, and when he couldn’t, his devastation was palpable. But true to his nature, he didn’t leave things unfinished—he avenged her with a fierce determination, showing just how deeply his loyalty runs.

Whether it's begging the Shinsengumi not to kill Hajime Obi for the sake of Shinpachi and Otae or reassuring Suzuran that he'd bring Maizo back to her on the last moon, Gintoki proves time and again that his promises are more than words. He takes them to heart and doesn’t back down, no matter the obstacles. It’s that unwavering reliability, hidden beneath his lazy exterior, that makes him such an attractive partner—someone who will stand by you when it matters most.

Gintoki may come off as a carefree goof, but when it comes to protecting the people he cares about, there's nothing he won't do. His actions show that behind the laziness and sugar addiction lies a man you can truly depend on, someone who keeps his word and fights for those he loves, even when the odds are stacked against him.



4. He’s Realistic and Down-to-Earth

Despite their financial difficulties, Gintoki always managed to buy the week’s Shonen Jump.

Let’s face it—nobody's perfect, and Gintoki knows it. He picks his nose, wastes money on pachinko, and sometimes disappears when things get tough. But these flaws are exactly what make him feel like a real person. In relationships, there will be days when your partner isn’t Prince Charming, and Gintoki represents that reality. There’s a certain comfort in knowing that, with him, you can let your guard down.

Sure, Gintoki gives off the vibe of a lazy bum who can't be bothered with adult responsibilities, but the truth is more nuanced. While he might be late on rent and always seem broke, creator Sorachi Hideaki revealed that Gintoki actually does pay his bills and look after Kagura and Shinpachi. His priorities might be a bit skewed, but when it matters, he’s responsible in his own way.

Imagine living with someone who doesn't care if you're having a "gross day"—you don’t have to worry about appearances or keeping up a perfect image. Gintoki accepts people as they are, and in return, he's fiercely loyal. Once you're in his inner circle, he's there for you, even if you drive him nuts. It's like that old shoujo trope where the heroine realizes she feels most at home with the person who’s seen her at her worst. With Gintoki, that level of acceptance is automatic. You don’t have to be anything but yourself.



5. He Respects Your Independence

In a relationship, Gintoki isn’t the clingy type. He’s not the kind of guy who’ll blow up your phone or demand constant attention. Instead, he respects independence and knows that everyone needs their space. It’s this refreshing take on relationships that appeals to fans. Gintoki’s the kind of boyfriend who’ll support your personal growth without getting in the way.

He values freedom—both his own and others’. Whether it's letting Kagura handle herself in a fight or trusting Shinpachi to take care of business, Gintoki never smothers those he cares about. He trusts his partner’s abilities and knows when to step back. That mutual respect is something anyone would want in a boyfriend.



6. He’s Unapologetically Himself

Let’s face it—Gintoki isn’t trying to impress anyone. He does what he wants when he wants, and there’s something incredibly attractive about his confidence. He doesn’t go out of his way to be the cool guy, which ironically makes him even cooler. He’s a man who can rock pajamas while eating parfait and still somehow be effortlessly charming.

Being around someone so authentic is refreshing, especially in today’s world of perfectionism. Gintoki teaches that it’s okay to be yourself, flaws and all. His unapologetic attitude towards his quirks, laziness, and love for sweets is oddly reassuring. If you’re looking for a boyfriend who embraces every part of himself, Gintoki’s your guy.



7. He Can Be a Total Badass

Sure, Gintoki’s lazy 90% of the time, but when the situation calls for it, he transforms into an absolute badass. As the former legendary samurai Shiroyasha, Gintoki’s combat skills are second to none. Fans love how he switches from goofball to serious warrior in an instant, showing that there’s more to him than meets the eye.

Having Gintoki as a boyfriend means knowing that when things get tough, he’ll step up to protect you. Whether it's with his wooden sword or razor-sharp wit, Gintoki can handle whatever comes his way. There’s a sense of security in being with someone who knows when to get serious and has the skills to back it up.



8. He’s Surprisingly Thoughtful

While Gintoki might not seem like the most attentive person, he has moments of incredible thoughtfulness. He remembers the little things—like the specific snacks you enjoy or your preferences in small details. Gintoki’s ability to notice and care for others, even in subtle ways, shows that he’s always paying attention, even when he’s acting aloof.

This thoughtfulness extends to the people he loves, often revealing itself in unexpected moments. Whether he’s silently comforting someone or going out of his way to do something kind, Gintoki’s ability to show he cares, even without words, is one of the reasons he’s adored.



9. He’s a Great Listener (When It Counts)

While he may not seem like the most emotionally available person on the surface, Gintoki knows how to listen when it matters. He may deflect with humor, but when someone needs to get something off their chest, Gintoki is there to lend an ear. He doesn’t judge or interrupt, giving people the space to express themselves, and he offers advice when it’s needed.

This ability to listen without immediately jumping to conclusions or solutions makes Gintoki a great boyfriend. He understands that sometimes people just need to vent, and he’s happy to be there when you need someone to talk to—even if he pretends not to care.



10. He’s Great with Kids and Domestic Tasks

Gintoki and baby Kanshichiro who looks a lot like him.

Gintoki’s interactions with kids are some of the most heartwarming moments in Gintama. He doesn’t baby-talk or coddle them, but he treats children with respect and takes their concerns seriously while still managing to make them laugh. Whether it’s playing with orphans or taking care of baby Kanshichiro, Gintoki has a natural ability to connect with kids. He’s also a protective figure to Kagura and Shinpachi, two teenagers who chose to follow him despite his lazy demeanor, trusting him as an older brother who always has their backs.

But Gintoki is far more than just a carefree slacker—he’s surprisingly competent when it comes to household skills. Not only can he cook, but he’s also great at managing a home, and his care for baby Kanshichiro shows he’s good with kids in general. Gintoki strikes a balance between his laid-back attitude and his genuine sense of responsibility, making him someone who could easily take on the role of a house husband when needed. His ability to juggle laziness with responsibility is part of what makes him so endearing.



11. He’s Strong, Skilled, and (Let’s Be Honest) Very Attractive

Okay, let’s not ignore the obvious—Gintoki is hot. He’s got fluffy silver hair, sharp eyes, and a lean, muscular build that’s easy on the eyes. Plus, his deep, commanding voice (thanks to his voice actor Tomokazu Sugita) just adds to his appeal. His attractiveness might be subtle, but once you fall for his personality, the looks are just icing on the cake. 

He may not flaunt it, but he’s physically strong and skilled with a sword, thanks to his training under the legendary Yoshida Shouyou. While he might seem lazy, he’s actually capable of a lot more than he lets on. Plus, there’s that “gap moe” appeal—when a tough, badass character like Gintoki suddenly whines about ghosts or dentists, it’s impossible not to find it endearing. He’s the perfect blend of strength and vulnerability, making him even more irresistible.



The Verdict: Gintoki is the Perfect Balance

Sakata Gintoki isn’t your typical boyfriend, and that’s exactly why fans can’t get enough of him—Gintoki’s the guy they’d want by their side. And really, it’s easy to see why. He’s lazy, hilarious, sweet, and ridiculously loyal, never trying to be something he’s not. It’s that mix of humor, empathy, and total badassery that sets him apart. His laid-back vibe and emotional depth show that the perfect boyfriend doesn’t have to be flawless. He just needs to be real, a bit messy, and, of course, Gintoki-level awesome.

If you like Gintoki and you want more of Gintama merchandise, you can browse our vast selection here at ZenPlus, and have a Gintoki figure delivered right in front of your doorstep!



What do you think?

Why is Gintoki popular?

Is Gintoki also popular in-universe?

What are your favorite Gintoki scenes in Gintama?

Let us know in the comments or drop us a line on social media: X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, Facebook! We’d love to hear from you!

ZenPlus is your one-stop shop for all things Japanese. Check out our marketplace for manga volumes, cosplay, figures, and other merch from Gintama franchise!

You can watch Gintama on Netflix, Crunchyroll and Prime Video.



About the Writer

Cristy is a freelance artist and writer who has been obsessed with anime and manga since childhood. Her love for these imaginative worlds fuels her creative endeavors, and she shows no signs of stopping anytime soon.

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