
10 Odd Facts about Japan that Catch Visitors Off Guard

Created 9/26/2024 1:16:13 PM in japan |

Japan is full of fascinating surprises, from the Great Buddha statue's secret to cube-shaped watermelons, artistic manhole covers, and more. Here are 10 things that sometimes catch visitors off guard!




Japan, where ancient traditions remarkably intertwine with cutting-edge tech, is a land where every corner has a surprise in store. Let's peek at 10 surprising facts about Japan that'll either make you laugh, gasp in awe, or feel slightly creeped out.



1. Sleeping Anytime, Anywhere

If you've ever fancied a quick snooze at work, here's some good news: In Japan, 'Inemuri,' or napping in public, is totally acceptable. 

Unlike in other countries, random napping is not seen as laziness in Japan, but as a sign of hard work. So don't be surprised to see people catching Z's on trains, in parks, or even in meetings – it's their way of balancing a hardworking lifestyle.



2. Blue Traffic Lights

In most countries, traffic lights follow the standard color coding of red, yellow, and green. However, in Japan, what appears to be green is actually a very blue shade of green. 

This interesting fact stems from the Japanese language, where historically, blue and green were referred to by the same word. 

While modern Japanese has a specific term for green (緑, midori), this is a relatively new development. In ancient times, the Japanese language didn't differentiate between these two colors.



3. The Great Buddha Statue's Secret

The Great Buddha of Kamakura, a monumental outdoor bronze statue of Amida Buddha, is one of Japan's most iconic landmarks. But did you know it's hollow? Visitors can actually go inside the statue, offering a unique perspective and a little-known fact about this historic monument.



4. Vending Machines at Every Corner

Japan is famous for its incredible variety of vending machines. It's not just sodas and snacks — you can grab anything from fresh eggs to umbrellas, and even formal attire.

With a staggering 5 million vending machines scattered across Japan, there's practically one for every 25 people!



5. The World's Shortest Escalator

Source: https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/the-puchicalator-kawasaki-japan 

Kawasaki, Japan, is proud to host the world's shortest escalator, standing at just 83.4 cm tall – that’s only five steps long! It has turned into an amusingly odd tourist spot, symbolizing Japan's affection for technology in all sizes.



6. The Sound of Silence in Trains

The silence on Japanese trains can be almost unsettling for tourists, especially when they're crowded during rush hours. 

But this behavior is actually very well-intentioned…

For the Japanese, it's considered impolite to speak loudly or make phone calls. Most commuters spend their journey silently reading, napping, or using their phones, upholding the serene atmosphere of the shared public space.



7. The Sun Rises Very, Very Early

The Land of the Rising Sun lives up to its name, especially in the summer when the sun in Japan can rise as early as 4:30 AM and set by 7:00 PM. This early sunrise often catches visitors off guard, who aren't accustomed to such early daylight.



8. Artistic Manhole Covers

In Japan, manhole covers aren't just functional – they're artistic masterpieces. 

Each city and town boasts its own unique design, showcasing local landmarks, history, or native flora and fauna. These vibrant and detailed manhole covers have turned into an unexpected, yet popular focus for photography enthusiasts.



9. Rabbit Island

Imagine an island overrun by fluffy bunnies. 

Okunoshima Island, often referred to as Rabbit Island, is home to hundreds of endearing wild rabbits. Initially introduced in the 1970s, these rabbits have become the island's main attraction, offering an adorable, unforgettable experience for lucky visitors!



10. Cube-Shaped Watermelons

Source: https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2023/07/8aec93dc43f7-square-watermelon-shipments-begin-in-western-japan-city.html 

Japanese farmers have mastered the art of growing cube-shaped watermelons. 

These were initially developed to fit more compactly in refrigerators and to prevent them from rolling, showcasing Japan's innovative approach to solving everyday problems.



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