
Wind Breaker: Redefining The Delinquent Anime Genre

Created 5/17/2024 3:33:03 PM in manga | anime | analysis |

Tokyo Revengers may have captured the hearts of viewers with its time-traveling escapades and high-stakes drama, there's another delinquent anime that's been quietly making waves: Wind Breaker.





When we think of delinquent anime, images of tough-looking guys with pompadours and leather jackets often come to mind. These classic tropes have long been associated with the genre, evoking a sense of nostalgia for an era when gangs ruled the streets and honor was measured in fistfights and turf wars. However, in recent years, the landscape of delinquent anime has undergone a transformation, with series like Tokyo Revengers bringing a fresh perspective to the genre.

But while Tokyo Revengers may have captured the hearts of viewers with its time-traveling escapades and high-stakes drama, there's another delinquent anime that's been quietly making waves: Wind Breaker. Not to be confused with the cycling manhwa of the same name, Satoru Nii’s Wind Breaker offers a more grounded and realistic take on the world of delinquents, focusing on the everyday struggles of its characters without the need for supernatural gimmicks. Interestingly, it appears that the author is also a fan of Tokyo Revengers, as evidenced by both the thematic similarities and the author's creation of fan art for the series, as noted by fans.



A Different Breed of Delinquents

A close up of Haruka Sakura's face
Meet Haruka Sakura, the tsundere protagonist of the series. 

In the bustling urban landscape of Makochi, Wind Breaker thrusts us into the tumultuous world of Furin High School, where Haruka Sakura, with his striking appearance and unyielding ambition, takes center stage. Standing out amidst the chaos of street fights and territorial disputes, Haruka's distinct heterochromia and split-colored hair mark him as a force to be reckoned with.

But what truly distinguishes Wind Breaker from its delinquent anime counterparts is its emphasis on community. Despite being labeled as members of Furin High School's notorious student body, Sakura and his peers are not mere thugs—they are the guardians of their town, standing united against rival gangs to maintain peace and order. Unlike the delinquents of old, these students are hailed as heroes by the townsfolk, who offer their unwavering support as they defend the streets from turmoil.

The Furin High School entrance sign covered in grafitti.
Furin High School.

In a genre often defined by its brute strength and bravado, Wind Breaker takes a different approach, delving into themes of camaraderie, loyalty, and redemption. Sakura, initially portrayed as a stoic loner, undergoes a transformation throughout the series, revealing a softer side as he forms genuine connections with his classmates. And Sakura isn't the only one experiencing growth—each character in Wind Breaker embarks on their own journey of self-discovery.

A group of Makoichi residents
The residents of the Makochi are grateful to Sakura for saving them—on his very first day in town!

Despite his outward toughness, Sakura tends to blush at the slightest provocation. Ostracized for his distinctive hair and eyes, he endured a lack of affection due to the treatment he received from his hometown peers. Merely expressing gratitude towards him is enough to turn him into a flustered mess. His awkward attempts to navigate the unexpected kindness and praise from the residents of Makochi provide moments of comedic relief, as he blushes like a tomato while futilely denying the affection directed towards him. 


Gif animation of Sakura's face turning red
Sakura tends to blush a lot in EVERY SINGLE EPISODE of the series.



Wind Breaker: A Unique Series Ground in Reality

The six main characters of Wind Breaker in a dark setting with green light from behind
The main characters of Wind Breaker.

Aside from its action-packed sequences and engaging characters, Wind Breaker offers something more: a reflection on the universal themes of acceptance, belonging, and the search for identity. Sakura's journey demonstrates the transformative power of friendship and the strength of the human spirit, reminding us that there is always hope, even in the darkest of times.

Remarkable Authenticity

But perhaps the most remarkable aspect of Wind Breaker is its authenticity. Unlike Tokyo Revengers and other recent delinquent anime, Wind Breaker stays true to its roots, delivering a raw and unfiltered portrayal of life on the streets. There are no time-traveling shenanigans or supernatural powers here—just the gritty reality of survival in a world where strength is the only currency that matters.


Breathtaking Fight Scenes

Of course, no discussion of Wind Breaker would be complete without mentioning its breathtaking fight scenes. Choreographed with precision and executed with flair, these battles are a visual feast for the eyes, showcasing the characters' skills and abilities in stunning detail. From hand-to-hand combat to high-flying acrobatics, each fight is a testament to the animators' talent and creativity, leaving viewers on the edge of their seats and craving more.

Bofurin's Vaisravana unit sitting and standing on desks and chairs in a class room with grafitti on the walls
Bofurin’s Vaisravana Unit. 

Wind Breaker is more than just another delinquent anime—it's a bold and refreshing take on a genre that has long been defined by its stereotypes and clichés. With its compelling characters, gripping storyline, and jaw-dropping action sequences, it's a must-watch for fans of the genre and newcomers alike. So if you're in the mood for a series that will keep you on the edge of your seat and leave you craving more, look no further than Wind Breaker. You can see Sakura’s journey in Furin High School by watching the anime and reading the manga, which you can buy here at ZenPlus!





TVアニメ「WIND BREAKER」ノンクレジットオープニング映像『絶対零度』なとり|2024.04.04 ON AIR



What do you think?

Is Haruka Sakura a tsundere?

Why did Furin High School become a protector of the people, contrary to what delinquents usually are?

How did Umemiya become the top dog in Furin High School?

Let us know in the comments or drop us a line on social media: X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, Facebook! We’d love to hear from you!

ZenPlus is your one-stop shop for all things Japanese. Check out our marketplace for manga volumes, cosplay, figures, and other merch from Wind Breaker  franchise!

You can watch Wind Breaker on Bilibili, Crunchyroll, Netflix and Prime Video.  



About The Writer

Cristy is a freelance artist and writer who has been obsessed with anime and manga since childhood. Her love for these imaginative worlds fuels her creative endeavors, and she shows no signs of stopping anytime soon.

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