The Fabrics Behind Morisaka Global Plushies

Created 5/14/2024 4:06:52 PM in morisakaglobal | shinadaglobal | plushies |

Curious about the secret to the softness of Morisaka Global plushies? Keep reading to find out!

One of the reasons why Morisaka Global Japanese plushies are so popular is because of the soft and squishy texture.

They’re fun to squeeze, hug, and cuddle because of the soft fabric that they’re made from.

Have you ever wondered what exactly this fabric was?

Well, the fabric used for Morisaka Global plushies is… mochi minky fabric!

What is it?

White fabric


It’s a type of material that is often used to make baby blankets, toys, and other home decor. It’s incredibly soft and mimics the feel of real mink fur, hence the name “minky”.

And “mochi” refers to the stretchy and chewy Japanese rice cake dessert. How fitting for a fabric with the same name!

Its soft texture is thanks to the fact that it’s made of 100% polyester. This also means it’s durable and can maintain the same texture even after being washed. 


Mochi minky fabric has a slightly shiny appearance and comes in various colors, so it adds a touch of elegance to any project. 


Fabric of various colors rolled up

The variety of colors allows for all the different colors for Morisaka Global plushies, ranging from red, green, brown, different shades of pink, and more.


But the stuffing used inside also plays a big part in the soft texture of Morisaka Global plushies! 

White stuffing


It’s hard to convey how soft this fabric is using only words, so get your own Morisaka Global plushie and find out for yourself!

Shop Morisaka Global plushies


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