
Why the Japanese Sleep on the Floor? Top 6 Perks High-Tech Japan is Still Embracing Minimalist Zzz's

Created 1/19/2024 2:20:25 PM in japan | culture |

Is it a good idea to sleep with futons on the floor or is the bed better? The Japanese do both, but surprisingly many swear by the floor option. Mariam finds out more.



Back to basics – the Japanese have a thing for floor-napping instead of the now-trendy, high-rise beds. Sounds a bit old school? Maybe, but there's wisdom behind it that makes even the tech-savvy Japan not let go of their simple sleep routine.


Ready to discover why they're still cozying up on the floor, and why you absolutely should too? Let's dive into the top 6 perks of this minimalist sleep style!



Firm Floor, Happy Spine

Resting on a firm surface, like a tatami mat or a slim futon, keeps your spine straighter than a ruler, possibly upgrading your posture and bidding farewell to back pain. 


The best part? Unlike those squishy mattresses, a firm floor will never let you sink and throw your spine out of whack!


Space Efficiency

In Japan, where living spaces are often on the smaller side, futons are the smartest pick. Fold 'em up, stash 'em away, and voilà – your space is reborn each day! 


This kind of space-saving is particularly beneficial in urban Japanese households. At night, these areas are bedrooms, and by day, they switch back to living or work areas, making every square inch count.



Less is More 

Sleeping on the floor isn't just about saving space – it's a nod to a centuries-old Japanese tradition that embraces minimalism. This practice mirrors the 'less is more' philosophy deeply ingrained in Japanese culture, where simplicity and functionality are the ultimate sophistication. 


This minimalist spirit guides everything in the Land of the Rising Sun, from everyday habits to the harmonious aesthetics of interior design, and beyond.



Stay Low, Stay Safe

In earthquake-prone Japan, sleeping close to the ground isn't just comfortable, it's a smart safety strategy. Being lower means less risk of tumbles or getting hit by falling furniture during a quake. 


This is crucial in Japan as itlowers the risk of injuries from those unexpected natural shake-ups, making it a key part of their earthquake-savvy housing and lifestyle.



Clean Sleeping

Want a cleaner, healthier snooze? Sleeping on the floor with futons promotes superior air circulation around your sleep zone. Plus, futons are a breeze to clean and air out, ensuring dust and mites don't stand a chance!



Cool Summer, Cozy Winter

Adaptable and clever, sleeping on the floor is a perfect match for Japan's diverse climate. In the hot summer, a floor futon means cool breezes all night long. But when winter chills creep in? Those tatami mats underneath are like warm and cozy hugs against the cold ground!



Get Japanese Futons, Decor, Food, Snacks, and More!

Ready to join the Japanese-style floor-sleeping army? Of course, you are!


A genuine, snuggle-worthy Japanese futon is the only missing piece. And the good news? You don't have to hop on a plane to Japan (though it's a good idea!) to lay your hands on one of these fluffy wonders. Just a quick trip to ZenPlus will do – your one-stop shop for everything Japanese!


With a whopping 5 million authentic Japanese products showcased by over 3,000 retailers from Japan, ZenPlus is like a bustling, mega shopping hub in Japan, except it's all virtual for your shopping ease. 


So, what does this mean for you? 


It's a shopper's paradise where you can pile up as many snug futons as you wish, add in some breathtaking handmade wall decor from Japan's last woodblock print publisher, sprinkle in a variety of authentic Japanese culinary ingredients, famous snacks, and traditional foods, and crown it all with genuine Japanese bowls and tableware, and more – all in one fun shopping spree!


You know the old saying, 'If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.' But here's where ZenPlus flips the script. Their decade-long streak of success in the industry is the solid proof you need that this is the real deal!



About The Writer

Meet Mariam - a freelance writer whose heart beats for the captivating world of Japanese culture. She's fascinated by the breathtaking cherry blossom trees, the irresistible traditional dishes and snacks, the timeless fashion, the adorable natural makeup, and of course, the world-famous anime, just to name a few of her passions. Now, with boundless creativity and determination, she aims to deliver the most valuable content for readers to offer them a glimpse into her passions in life.

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