
[5x points on Ichiba Day] Supporter, black, yoga shoes, supporter, flat feet, magical training, training, yoga shoes, exercise, stretching, posture, beautiful legs, flat feet, plantar arch, standing work

[5x points on Ichiba Day] Supporter, black, yoga shoes, supporter, flat feet, magical training, training, yoga shoes, exercise, stretching, posture, beautiful legs, flat feet, plantar arch, standing work

  • $11.60 USD
Seller: artlies
ZenPlus Authenticity Guarantee, 30-days returns & 30 days money back guarantee. Details here.
Your order will be shipped when ZenPlus receives all items from shops. Once shipped from Japan, estimated delivery time is 2-4 weeks for standard shipping and 3-4 days for express (DHL, UPS, FEDEX) shipping. ZenPlus covers shipping insurance to protect your items.
We ensure that your personal and payment information is kept secure by following PCI-DSS standards and using 256-bit encryption for all transactions.

3D立体縫製でしっかりと足を包み込みます。 踵と指の付け根(足の平の先)部分にクッションがあり、 しっかりと足裏アーチを形成してくれます。
また 滑り止めゴムがついているので、履いたままスポーツなどもオススメです。
【4】着地衝撃を吸収し、ひざや腰の負担を軽減 などが期待されます
・サポーター 左右セット
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Product # C0319-S

What is ZenPlus?
ZenPlus is an online shopping platform connecting Japan with the rest of the world. We're part of the ZenGroup, Inc. umbrella in Osaka, Japan.

Are items authentic?
Our sellers' agreement fully compels all stores to list only authentic items. We help you buy exclusive and authentic items from Japan, online!

Do you ship to my country?
We ship to all countries where Japan Post air freight services and international couriers currently operate. We don't use surface mail.

How long does shipping take?
Domestic shipments generally reach our warehouse in a few days, but may in certain specific cases take a week or more. International shipments can take anywhere from several days to several weeks to reach you after leaving our warehouse, depending on if you choose Standard or Express shipping.
Please contact our support team from the Questions section on your account page if you have any questions about the timing of your parcel.

How much is shipping?
Shipping costs depend on the size, weight, and destination of your parcel. We provide shipping costs for your order at checkout.

Will I be charged a customs (import) fee?
It depends on your country and its customs regulations. Our service does not cover duties and import taxes — in general, if the customs office in your country applies charges to your package, you are required to pay them.


You don't need to be in Japan to shop like the Japanese. Sign up for a free account on ZenPlus now and enjoy buying and shipping to over a hundred countries, directly from Japanese online stores. You can ship your items internationally through JP Post (EMS, Airmail), UPS, DHL, FedEx, and other services. Get all the hottest items from Japan such as anime figures, Nendoroids, Nintendo and other video games, Hello Kitty and other kawaii plushies, fishing tackle, Japanese street fashion, Seiko and other watches from Japan, ramen and other Japanese foods, idol merchandise, and much, much more!


We work directly with Japanese shops registered with ZenPlus, so all internal processes are faster and more efficient - the result is a swift and affordable service, ready for you when you need it most. You have instant access to over 1,000 stores in Japan with just one click! Shop just as if you were in Japan, without spending a fortune. We'll get you the best deal possible from a vast collection of items from Japan. Join the ranks of people who prefer ZenPlus as their Japanese online marketplace.


We protect you, the buyer. Communication can be one of the biggest barriers when buying from Japan online, but it doesn't have to be that way. With ZenPlus, you are protected from many of the risks of international e-commerce: We'll take care of any questions, claims, and requests for the seller that you might have. We can provide a full refund if an item is not genuine, and a partial refund if it's not as promised. Feel free to ask us for more info about any of the items or shops on ZenPlus!