
What is Teru Teru Bozu? The Bizarre Story Behind Japan's Smiley White Doll + 7 Step DIY Teru Teru Bozu

Created 10/30/2023 9:15:02 AM in japan | culture |

Find out the fascinating story behind the Teru Teru Bozu and why you should consider crafting your own in 7 simple steps. Mariam gets into DIY mode.


Those well-versed in Japanese culture have probably come across those smiley white dolls simply hanging by a window, not up to much, which may spark a barrage of questions about the story behind these little figures and their purpose. 

Well, it's time to satisfy your curiosity—prepare to be surprised as you explore the unusual world of the age-old Japanese doll, Teru Teru Bozu!

The Monk of Sunlight

A smiling Teru Teru Bozu hanging in front of a purple flower

Teru Teru Bozu ( てるてる坊主) is a traditional Japanese doll made from white paper or cloth and is hung by a string outside windows to bring good weather and prevent rain. 


Japanese parents teach their children from a young age about the magical powers of Teru Teru Bozu, a doll that finds its roots in the Edo period (1603-1868) and literally translates to “shine shine monk.”


These small, handmade dolls take on the appearance of simple, round, human-like figures with a string or cord for hanging, symbolizing the image of a monk's bald head.



Rain, Rain, Go Away 

A girl resting her head on the inside of a window looking out at the rainy weather with a sad face

When people in Japan make their own Teru Teru Bozu, there's a little weather wish involved that goes like this: “Teru Teru Bozu, Teru Bo, please make tomorrow's weather a sunny one!”


Rain or Shine?

A hanging Teru Teru Bozu against an almost clear blue sky

If the skies clear up the following day, that's the Teru Teru Bozu's way of saying, 'Mission accomplished!' And when it gets the job done, it's common to flip it face down or tuck it away as a sign of a job well done. But if the weather takes a rainy turn, some folks might playfully slap it with a 'teardrop' for a job not-so-well-done.



Dressing Up Teru Teru Bozu

Two smiling Teru Teru Bozu dressed up to hint at a male and female sitting on blue flowers

Beyond the classic and instantly recognizable Teru Teru Bozu look, some enthusiasts create out-of-the-box versions of the endearing doll and transform it into a lovely decorative piece to adorn their homes. Some even experiment with colors and dress it up with fun accessories, adding a personal touch to their Teru Teru Bozu.



The Rainy Season's Darling

Many Teru Teru Bozu in the different colors of the rainbow hanging in rows

When Japan's rainy season arrives, the Teru Teru Bozu transforms into a commercial sensation. It's not just a doll anymore—you'll find it in various interesting and cute forms that practically beg you to adopt them, like keychains, mobile phone straps, stuffed toys, and even adorable characters in Japan's pop culture scene.



7 Step DIY Teru Teru Bozu

Two Teru Teru Bozu, one taller and one shorter hanging above pink and blue flowers

If kids can make a Teru Teru Bozu, so can you! No need for any fancy materials or art skills—here's what you'll need and the 7 easy-peasy steps to bring your very own cute Teru Teru Bozu to life!


  1. Prepare Your Materials: Gather all the materials you'll need, which are the white tissue paper or cloth, string or thread, scissors, and markers or pens (for drawing a face).

  2. Cut the Material: Cut a square piece of white tissue paper or cloth. The size of the square can vary depending on your preference, but a 6x6 inch (15x15 cm) square is a good starting point.

  3. Create the Body: Place the square piece of tissue paper or cloth flat on a surface. In the center of the square, pinch and twist the material to create the head of the Teru Teru Bozu. This will form a round head shape. Use a piece of string or thread to tie a knot around the twisted part to secure it in place.

  4. Form the Body: Below the head, let the rest of the tissue paper or cloth hang freely. This will be the body of your Teru Teru Bozu. You can leave it as is or trim it to your preferred length.

  5. Add a Face: Use markers or pens to draw a simple face on the round head of your Teru Teru Bozu. You can give it eyes, a nose, a mouth, or any other facial features you like. A simple, smiling face is a common choice.

  6. Attach a String for Hanging: Thread a piece of string or thread through the top of the Teru Teru Bozu's head. Make sure it's securely tied so that you can hang your creation later.

  7. Hang It Up: Once you've completed your Teru Teru Bozu, find a suitable place to hang it, such as by a window. The idea is to hang it where it can "see" the sky and influence the weather. Remember to recite the traditional chant while hanging it!



Get Instant Sunshine with Ready-Made Teru Teru Bozu!

One Teru Teru Bozu hanging against a blue background

Struggling to make your Teru Teru Bozu from scratch? ZenPlus has your back with ready-made, irresistibly cute Teru Teru Bozu that ensures you'll always have a ray of sunshine in your life!


What's the deal with ZenPlus, you ask? It's a massive e-commerce platform that's been bridging the gap between global shoppers and a treasure trove of authentic, made-in-Japan products. 


With millions of products sourced from thousands of Japanese retail shops, it's the go-to destination for non-Japanese residents seeking an authentic taste of Japan, conveniently delivered to their doorstep with just a few clicks.


And the Teru Teru Bozu is just the beginning! ZenPlus is your go-to source for a shopping spree filled with every Japanese product you can dream of. From essential kitchen staples like wasabi, miso paste, dashi, chili oil, and Japanese mayo to delightful snacks like KitKats, and must-have lacquerware like bowls and dishes to stunning handmade decorative items like woodblock prints, you have everything Japanese at your fingertips!



About The Writer

Meet Mariam - a freelance writer whose heart beats for the captivating world of Japanese culture. She's fascinated by the breathtaking cherry blossom trees, the irresistible traditional dishes and snacks, the timeless fashion, the adorable natural makeup, and of course, the world-famous anime, just to name a few of her passions. Now, with boundless creativity and determination, she aims to deliver the most valuable content for readers to offer them a glimpse into her passions in life.

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